Footage of Saturn's Moon Titan is Simply Amazing [VIDEO]
An international team sent a probe called Huygens down to the surface of Saturn's moon Titan in 2005. This moon has a thick atmosphere, and has lakes, sand dunes, salt flats, and seasonal rains of liquid methane. At the same time, we've also seen i...
Leaked Samsung Galaxy S5 Specs Suggests Powerhouse Device
It almost seems like yesterday, when Samsung announced its flagship Galaxy S4 phone. Now, it looks like some details of their next generation S5 have been leaked to SamMobile. Screens are already getting sharper with higher pixel density and storage...
This Could Be The Google Glass of Motorcycle Helmets [VIDEO]
I would definitely wear this helmet. More so than a pair of Google Glass. This prototype helmet proposes to be the accessory all motorcycle riders would want. CNET reviewed this, and while it may not have a chance of hitting the market just yet bec...
These 5 Phrases Determine if Your Kickstarter Campaign Will Get Funded or Not
You might have an awesome product, but sometimes it boils down to the phrases you use that will determine if your stuff will sell on Kickstarter. according to Georgia Tech researchers. In 2013, more than 3 million people pledged $480 million to Kick...
What Questions People Ask on the Jelly App
Twitter cofounder Biz Stone's new startup, Jelly, is only a week old, but that hasn't stopped analytics firm RJMetrics from looking at its activity. Robert Moore, from RJMetrics said he was able to scan all the questions posted so far on the app by ...
China's New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle Can Travel at Extremely High Speeds
China's military has begun testing a new ultra high speed missile vehicle. It is designed to deliver warheads through US missile defenses. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the country is testing new hypersonic glide vehicles referred to as W...
NASA’s Amazing Monkey Robot Will Replace Astronauts Doing Space Walks Soon [VIDEO]
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced its hi-tech robot, based on primates called Robosimian. They show off how amazing the robot is in this video below.Known also as Clyde, it was JPL's official entry at the DARPA Robotics Challenge in Decem...
Now You Can Spy on Your Kids While They Drive [VIDEO]
As a parent, you're always worried when the time comes for your kid to take the wheel. Will they abide by the rules? Will they drive responsibly? These are all valid questions and concerns that every single parent has. Luckily for those that still ...
This Watch is Packing a Whole Weather Station on Your Wrist
Want to climb a mountain, but still stay stylish? Breva Geneve's first offering from last year - the Genie 01, puts a whole weather station on your wrist. It is powered by an ingenious mechanical barometer inside. This year, the watchmaker has a se...
GoPro GoPro'd Itself Winning an Emmy is The First Person Perspective Video For Winning [VIDEO]
GoPro is the camera you need to capture a unique first-person perspective. The company recently won a technological Emmy for its creation, and the company's founder captured the whole event on one of its cameras. Check it out below:
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