How Does Space Sound? Like a Tropical Rainforest [VIDEO]
Ever wondered what space sounds like? Is it a deaf empty nothing? Or do you hear things that seem familiar to you? This video below will show you what it sounds like.If you think you're listening to the sound of a rainforest, you're wrong. That's s...
This is The First Video Ever of a Tigerfish Snatching a Bird [VIDEO]
Scientists have been hearing rumors about the bird-eating tigerfish for years but have never believed it, up until now. They say it happen at a lake in South Africa'a Mapungubwe National Park - twenty times. "[T]he first reaction was one of pure ...
This Tiny Windmill Could Someday Charge Your Phone [VIDEO]
Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington have made a windmill so small, it could be mounted on a grain of rice. 10 of them were mounted, and if this goes as planned, there could be hundreds of windmills in a case that could charge your ...
Didn't Know How Digital Cameras Work? Now You Do [VIDEO]
James May may be an expert on cars and is frequently on Top Gear, but he's also a bona fide tech nerd. Here he is explaining how the digital camera in your laptop, smartphone and point and shoot works. At Head Squeeze, May and his team explain th...
Now You'll Know Why You Fart and Burp So Much [VIDEO]
Admit it. You farted at least five times in the office today. And maybe more later today too. Hank Green of SciShow explains the science of the human body's gaseous emissions in this video. Check it out after the jump.
Candy Crush Saga Might be Turning Kids into Gambling Addicts
The a combination of online games, internet, smartphone and tablets are giving modern parents the tools to use as play things for their children. Are they necessarily good or bad will probably be how they control the amount of such exposure to them....
Audi's Traffic Light Assistance Will Help You Avoid Red Lights
The most annoying thing when driving is having to stop very frequently at a traffic light. Imagine if the drive was only 300 meters and BAM! another traffic light. That's crazy annoying, so Audi has created a new dash-in system to tell you how fast ...
What If Your Batteries Were Powered by Pie in The Future?
The only area in tech that hasn't advanced as crazy like processors and transistors are batteries. It is very hard to make the perfect battery. They are either too inefficient or too expensive or too unstable to power the renewable gadgets of the fu...
Twitter's Fire-Safety Poster Can Serve as a PSA To Everyone
In times of emergency, the last thing you should think about is updating your social media status. The first thing you've got to do: get to safety. When you're out of the woods, tweet away.Vivian Schiller, the former NPR chief and top digital office...
Check Out the Sony SmartBand [VIDEO]
Sony presents the new SmartBand - a wearable device designed to sync with the Sony Xperia smartphone. When synced, it will notify the wearer of all incoming messages and notifications with gentle vibrations and LEDs. The SmartBand will also allow ...
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