Creepy App Lets You Save Snapchat Pics Without Anyone Knowing
A new app called SnapHack lets you effortlessly download any Snap without the person on the other end having any idea. Is Snapchat broken already?Previously, people would just take screenshots of Snaps, but the obvious downside here is that taking i...
Phablets are More Famous in South Korea
The oversized smartphone is more famous in South Korea than anywhere else in the world. Check out the chart from Flurry:The latest figures from app-services provider Flurry shows phablets have carved out a niche. In a worldwide sample of almost 100,...
How to Increase Your Privacy Mark Zuckerberg Style
Mark Zuckerberg may just have gotten this privacy thing all figured out, by buying up the four homes directly next to his!The Silicon Valley Business Journal and San Jose Mercury News report Zuck paid "more than $30 million in total" for the four ne...
Over 4 Million Songs Have Never Been Played on Spotify
Spotify turned five last week and to celebrate, they released a batch of impressive data. But if you look closely, you'll find that the fun facts are a tad bit more depressing than anything: over 20 percent of Spotify tracks have never been played. ...
Having Trouble with Yahoo's New Mail Redesign? You're Not Alone
Yahoo Mail got an extensive makeover last week - in that it decided to look just like Gmail. But still, there's some bugs under the hood. According to folks on Yahoo's bug reporting board, they aren't too happy about it. ZDNet reports that some user...
Leaked: This is Nokia's Lumia 2520 Tablet
Nokia's tablet might actually be real, if the news of this Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet are to be believed. Serial leaker @evleaks has snapped a shot of the claimed 10 inch Nokia tablet. Running Windows RT, it’s thought to be packing a Snapdragon 800 CPU...
Advertisers Might Be Able to Track You via Your Smartphone's Accelerometer
We're never really alone. Privacy is over. But you already know that, right? The latest? Researchers have been testing out new surveillance techniques and they think you can be tracked around the web using your phone's accelerometer. According to S...
Sony's New 24- and 36-Megapixel Alpha Cameras
DigitalCameraInfo has gotten ahold of the specs and images of Sony's two new Alpha digital cameras - the A7 and A7R. The A7, pictured above, will have 24 megapixels and it is being matched up with a 28-70mm lens in the image above. Below is the ...
Underwater High Speed Wi-Fi Being Developed
There's a lot of information in the ocean that isn't being tapped to its fullest. For example, sensors on the sea floor, could be capable of sending signals directly to those in the disaster's path adding precious seconds to response times.Associate...
Google Watch Might be Announced On Oct 31st
From Google Glass to Google Watch? Seems like everyone is launching some form of wearable tech these days. According to some chatter, the Google Watch, codenamed "Gem" is nearing its big reveal. According to some unnamed source, Google Now will be t...
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