We Will Finally Soon Know if Bigfoot Really Does Exist
Does Bigfoot exist? We've been asking this for a long time already. From time to time, we see the token conspiracy theorist coming out with a press release or two, only to find out that they have been doctored or that there isn't any hard evidence o...
Twitter Will Use News Twitter Accounts to Send You Breaking News from a New Account
A new experimental Twitter account, @eventparrot, is leveraging on a whole lot of news organizations blasting out breaking news to the world on Twitter to send you breaking news. Event Parrot works much like the @magicrecs account that recommends t...
Sony Shrunk Their Flagship Phone Down to This: The Xperia Z1F
We've seen the regular sized Xperia Z1. Now it is about to get a little brother in the shaspe of the Sony Xperia Z1F. The screen resolution may take a hit, dropping to 4.3 inches and a 720p resolution, but the rest of the specs survived the resizing...
This Fitness Gadget Will Track Your Strength and Push You to Your Limits
Do you know your actual limits when exercising? Most injuries happen because you decided to push yourself way too far than your body can take. Optimal number of reps allow for an optimal workload which lets the body to recover between trainings or c...
Guy Demonstrates How to Run Full Android Apps on the Galaxy Gear [VIDEO]
Samsung's Galaxy Gear is pretty much like a mini phone, but on your wrist. It even has apps like Snapchat and Pocket. But if you are a serious user, you can make it run real Android apps. Ron Amadeo showed off the trick over at Ars Technica. The ...
Samsung GALAXY Note 3 Official Commercial Starring Lionel Messi Set to "Royals" [VIDEO]
Samsung's latest Galaxy Note 3 commercial is definitely one to watch. With elements like soccer, and singing children set to Lorde's hit single Royals, the company presents their new commercial for its Galaxy Note 3 and Gear starring Lionel Messi.I...
This Display Uses Sound Waves to Create the Sensation of Touch [VIDEO]
The technology in the Iron Man movies aren't real. At least, not yet. And not all of them too. Stark's computer displays appear in mid-air on command, and there are no physical display devices around. He just uses his hands to interact with the int...
People Are Leaving Rural Scotland Because of Slow Internet Connections
There just isn't enough green in the city. But that doesn't seem to bother those who are used to it. The Scottish government is having a problem: people are leaving rural Scotland because of sluggish Internet connections. Rural Affairs Secretary Ric...
A Real Life Liquid Armor Iron Man Suit is in the Works [VIDEO]
It looks like the U.S. Army is serious in developing an Iron Man like suit. It's called the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS). The armor is strong to withstand a barrage of bullets. The U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) challenge...
MIT Discovered Self-Healing Metal [VIDEO]
The most recent discovery by MIT is the self healing properties of metal. Imagine combining that with a robot with artificial intelligence. The T100 is getting real! The concept metal repairs itself by extending. The exact type of force that snappe...
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