
Selena Gomez went to rehab last month, obviously not for substance abuse because she's so pure and innocent. Instead, she most likely went in for an addiction to Bieber. A source told Radar:
"Her friends and family became increasingly worried that there might be a serious problem with Selena. Particularly, her parents. The partying was, at times, wild. They wanted to help her -- and they very much encouraged her to go to rehab. Others very close to her also urged her to seek professional help."

"It's important to remember that Selena had worked in Hollywood non-stop for six years," another insider told Radar. "She was exhausted. Selena was smart enough to understand that she needed to take control of her life. It just got to a point where she needed to get out of Los Angeles, get away from 'the scene' and the pressures of Hollywood, to also get away from those who had, admittedly, become a bad influence on her. Selena needed to take the opportunity to work on herself. She realized she needed help."