
In what looks like Anna Wintour caving in to Kanye West's constant phone calls and texts, here's the couple on the cover of Vogue. Kim Kardashian's life long dream has been granted, and Anna Wintour can no longer work there anymore. She should be fired for sullying the cover of Vogue.

Of course, she would like you to know that Vogue didn't cave, and that Kanye didn't beg. She wants you to know all of that with this lame excuse:
Part of the pleasure of editing Vogue, one that lies in a long tradition of this magazine, is being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it. I think we can all agree on the fact that that role is currently being played by Kim and Kanye to a T. (Or perhaps that should be to a K?)”
So no begging:
As for the cover, my opinion is that it is both charming and touching, and it was, I should add, entirely our idea to do it; you may have read that Kanye begged me to put his fiancée on Vogue’s cover. He did nothing of the sort. The gossip might make better reading, but the simple fact of the matter is that it isn’t true. There’s barely a strand of the modern media that the Kardashian Wests haven’t been able to master, and for good reason: Kanye is an amazing performer and cultural provocateur, while Kim, through her strength of character, has created a place for herself in the glare of the world’s spotlight, and it takes real guts to do that.
It takes real thick skin and a lot of opportunity to do that. Anyway, Anna Wintour, you're no longer the bastion of fashion. Kim Kardashian tweets her life long dream came true:



Of course, anything is better than Anne Hathaway's Oscar acceptance speech: