
Jessica Alba's eco-friendly goods Honest Company is going to launch in Target next week and it describes itself as a trusted source for safe, natural, non-toxic, eco-friendly baby diapers and biodegradable wipes and more. Except, they might not really be because they are made by sketchy Chinese manufacturers. From Radar:
According to U.S. Customs data, one of The Honest Company's main suppliers is the American Hygienics Corporation located in Shanghai. As recently as May 19, 2014, Honest Company received a shipment of 10,110 cartons of wet wipes from the Chinese company. On May 18, 2014, they received 33,098 cartons of wet wipes from American Hygienics. In total, records show, Honest Company received more than 142,595 cartons of wet wipes from the Shanghai-based supplier so far this year alone, and their relationship with the company goes back to 2012, the year the company was founded.

What The Honest Company may not know, however -- and what their customers certainly don't -- is that American Hygienics has a history of being barred from importing to the U.S. after the FDA found "unsafe" and untested drugs in their wipes.

According to an import refusal report, the FDA found on April 11, 2008, that the wipes the company was trying to import into the US appeared to contain "a new animal drug which is unsafe," and subsequently blocked the shipment.
But should we really be concerned?