
Jennifer Love Hewitt is one of the hottest but desperate chicks around. She once sent a bed to Matt Damon, but nothing came of it.

"Well, I'm not a normal person," Hewitt prefaced her story, before explaining, "I was reading an article and he said this really sad thing about how all his dreams were coming true but he didn't feel that he had a bed of his own, he was always traveling ... So for some reason, I though an aerobed would help that for him," she admitted, laughing.

"In my head, I thought, 'He can travel with it, then it's always his safe place.' I didn't go over it with anyone, I should've been like, 'Hey, should I send this to Matt Damon?' and they would've been like, 'No you're crazy, don't do it!' But I didn't, so I got the information he was in Paris, filming something, so I sent it to Paris. I never got a 'thank you,'"

Not even a thank you.