
Tom Cruise is back to the dating scene. According to tabloid Grazia, he's enlisted the help of a Scientology dating service. Like if they had a, this would be it. Via the Daily Mail:

Tom's criteria includes that the new Mrs Cruise must have been a member of the Church for at least five years and be involved in the entertainment industry. The 51-year-old also seeks a "brainy" woman in her mid-to-late 30s.

A source tells the publication, "Tom needs to be strict about his criteria because he wants to avoid a disastrous match and he needs them to understand his hectic lifestyle and all that comes with it."

The father-of-three has already found a potential suitable candidate. The as far "unidentified actor" is known only to be friends with 33-year-old former That '70s Show and Orange Is The New Black star Laura Prepon. Tom is reported to have hit it off with the young lady at a recent gala event at the Scientology Celebrity Centre International in LA - though he's keeping his options open for now.
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