
Justin Bieber got into a fight, or rather, did a hit and hide. He punched the manager of DJ Michael Woods Friday night in South Korea after the DJ refused to spin some hip hop as per his request. After the incident, Woods tweeted:
"Story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop ... So when I told @justinbieber to fuck off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and fled behind a wall of security ... Next time u wanna take a cheap shot at my Tour Manager @justinbieber stick around to follow it thru instead of running off like a lil pussy."
Justin Bieber better not see Woods any time soon. One fine day, just one fine day, he'll get beat up worst than Shia LaBeouf. We can't wait for that day to happen.