
You don't want to get on the wrong side of Kris Jenner because she'll blacklist you from any birthday bashes her kids have. She froze Access Hollywood from Kim Kardashian's birthday over the weekend in Las Vegas. Simply because they did not want to kiss ass to praise Kris Jenner's stupid talk show. From Access Hollywood's executive producer Rob Silverstein
Kim's birthday bash is tonight at Tao in Las Vegas. This is an annual event and they are paid millions. They will all show up, they will walk the red carpet... they will fulfill their obligation.

We were planning on covering but Kris Jenner has "blacklisted" us. The reason: She was not happy with a review we aired of her talk show. A few months back.

The facts are the Kardashians are famous for being famous. They have taken what Paris Hilton started and taken it to a new level. That is no small feat.

When they were just starting out on this journey, they would take any publicity they could get, now it appears they are being selective. That is their right. Our right is to cover the family as openly and fairly as we cover all of Hollywood and despite the "blacklist," that's exactly what we will keep on doing.