
Chris Brown went to rehab last month to work on his anger issues. Too bad that didn't work out. He was kicked out of the facility after he smashed his mom's car window with a rock during a family session. Man this guy has some real anger issues. After that a judge in his probation case ordered him to re-enroll in another for 90 days. From CNN:
When he checked out on November 10 his representative said he would continue in the program as an outpatient. However, the probation report given to the judge Wednesday disputed that, saying he was kicked out of the program. It quoted a center official saying he was ordered out for "breaking programs rules by acting violently."

The violence involved Brown "throwing a rock through his mother's car window" after a family session at the center in which she said she wanted him to stay in the treatment.

"Mr. Brown preceded to walk outside and pick up a rock and threw it through his mother's car window and it shattered," according to letter from the rehab center included in the probation report.
Let's hope the next rehab facility doesn't have rocks lying around.
Brown will leave the new rehab center three days a week to work eight-hour shifts of community labor so that he can complete the 1,000 hours of work still remaining in his punishment for the attack on Rihanna. The report estimated he will have to work on community labor three days of every week until next August to meet his deadline.
Good luck, Chris. Better keep that rage under wraps before you hurt someone else.