
Here's the weirdest thing you'll hear today. Courtney Cox might be getting some action from the awkward looking Ed Sheeran. From National Enquirer:
The unlikely couple met at an industry event earlier this year, and "Courteney gushed to Ed about what a huge fan she was of his music," said the source. "Now that Courteney is single, she's not making any bones about putting the moves on Ed. She offered to let him live at her Malibu home, where he's been writing songs and chilling out. Courteney is seducing Ed by wining and dining him at the best restaurants in L.A., and she introduces him to friends as 'my little stud muffin.'"

Despite the coy posting, the source says the two are keeping the relationship quiet because Ed is concerned his teenybopper fans will be turned off by the May-December romance. "But he definitely finds Courteney's real-life Mrs. Robinson ways irresistible, " the source added "And Courteney says that being adored by a younger man makes her feel like a million bucks."
Well, if you can't have Taylor, we guess you go for the cougar.