Never Forget How Many Eggs You Have Left with the Egg Minder [VIDEO]
With habits like 'periodically checking how many eggs you have left in the tray' dying it seems, here's a tool that will help remind you of when it's time to buy some more. Dubbed the Egg Minder, it was created by Rafael Hwang, from Quirky.It is an...
Unbelievable: 59 year old actress plays 16 year old character
We've seen actresses playing characters 10 years younger before but have never heard of anyone playing a character more than 3 times younger than their age. At 59, this Chinese actress is playing a 16-year-old girl in a historical drama, and she...
Get Behind The Scenes of Beyonce's "Partition" [VIDEO]
The director behind "Partition," "Flawless," and "Grown Woman" takes fans behind the scenes in this mini documentary that'll show you how Beyonce created all those videos for her latest album. Director Jake Nava also gives an explanation of how t...
Dedicated Father Carries Disabled Pre-Teen Son to School for 18 Miles Everyday
Most parents would sacrifice plenty for their children. But with the luxuries most of us city folk have, it's easy to forget that there are less fortunate families who have to go the extra mile to ensure their children get the best care and educatio...
11 Ways to Love Your Body The Way It Is
If you're one of those people who absolutely loves your body the way it is, then good for you. It doesn't matter if you're big or small, tall or short, or far away from your target weight. Nobody should love your body more than you do. While it's...
Mother-Daughter Yoga Poses are Too Cute!
New Jersey yoga instructor Laura Kasperzak is a mom of two who occasionally practices yoga with her 4-year old daughter, who seems excited to pose with her mom for the camera. Kasperzak shared these incredibly adorable mommy-daughter moments on he...
Animals Enjoy Music Like You Do [VIDEO]
Music does wonders for humans. It's proven to help with productivity, focus, and even diets. On top of all that, it can relax you, make you feel good, and keep you company when you're lonely. But it turns out that animals, too, like music. Scient...
Forget About the Haze for 2-Minutes and Watch This Mama Bear Snuggle Her Babies in the Snow [VIDEO]
Oh, the weather outside is frightful.. like seriously frightful. The haze has taken over Kuala Lumpur and the heat is making everybody uncomfortable. So here's video shot in 2012 by Andrew Maske in Manitoba, Canada, of a mother polar bear snuggli...
IKEA Designs Special Collection For Young City-Dwellers Living In Cramped Spaces [VIDEO]
Did you know that one in five city-dwellers is currently living in a space that measures smaller than 30 square-meters? Depressing, but that's the reality for a lot of young folks trying to make their way in the big city. To make these cramped livi...
Noises Made While Eating Sound Different In Other Languages
Illustrated by Manchester-based artist James Chapman, this graphic depicts the various sounds that people make when eating in different languages. English speakers like to "CHOMP," Italians will "GNAM," and Polish folks go "CHRUP CHRUP". But anyone ...
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