Watch the Time-Lapse Drawing of the Oscars Selfie [VIDEO]
The Oscar selfie wave isn't dead. Here's just one more before it ends. Watch it being drawn, in timelapse! Done by artist Heather Rooney, she reproduced the picture in astonishing detail using colored pencils! Check it out below:
Starck's Dog Desk Will Make Kids Love Doing Homework
Your dog isn't going to eat your homework, if your dog is your table! Here's this adorable dog designed desk by Philippe Starck. The desk is available in five different colors, and it'll get kids happy to do their homework. Or try riding a dog. Eith...
Top 10 Origins of Common English Sayings
The English language is extensive. You've probably discovered thousands of new and complicated words throughout your life, what more idioms which meanings you know but origins are a blur. Sometimes phrases even deviate from its original intentions. ...
The Power of a Crowd Singing Along Made This Singer's Performance Even Greater [VIDEO]
This is hard to explain, but very beautiful to watch. The Consulate General of Switzerland in New York posted this video a year ago, but it is only trending now. During Swiss-German duo BOY‘s debut concert in Brooklyn, singer Valeska Steiner was s...
A Video of Strangers Kissing for the First Time Because... Art [VIDEO]
The people in this video are kissing, but the twist is that they actually don't know each another. Like, at all. Of course it would be initially awkward for strangers to meet and then kiss, but the direction of the video makes it totally beautiful...
8 Basic Personal Hygiene Habits You're Doing Wrong
Nobody wants to admit that they're covered in filth and bacteria. But as various studies have pointed out, there are certain aspects of your daily personal hygiene routine that might actually be doing more harm then good. Find out what they are:1. A...
What it Really Feels Like When the Person You Love is with Somebody Else
Let's be honest. Unrequited love sucks, especially when the person you want to be with is already seeing somebody else. And it sucks tenfold when that somebody else is someone you know and/or meet on a regular basis.But we're here to tell you that ...
Going To Malls In Your 20s VS Your 30s
There's no denying that malls are here to stay, but the experience can be very different depending on what age group you fall under. Here are the major differences between shopping in a mall when you're in your 20s and 30s: 20s: All my friends ...
Things That Small-Chested Women Need To Know About Bras
Just because you're a little on the petite side doesn't mean you can be ignorant about those "boulder holders". Even small-chested women need to be aware about the importance of finding the right fit when picking out a bra. Check out these tips belo...
Mother In HIMYM Reacts To Death Rumors [VIDEO]
Possible spoiler alert! The final season of How I Met Your Mother is upon us, and there's a theory spreading around about how the mother has actually been dead this whole time. And you know how everyone just loves conspiracy theories. Actress Crist...
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