Woman in America are Using Birth Control Pills for Different Reasons
Women in America are using birth control for totally different reasons. Now that Obamacare makes it possible for women to save $600 a year for birth control pills, about 58% of these women use it for health purposes other than pregnancy prevention. ...
Barbie Turns 55 and is #Unapologetic
Barbie, the world's most famous doll turned 55 on the 9th of March, and she's looking just as fabulous as she was the first time the world saw her in 1959.For the promotional coverwrap in honor of the American International Toy Fair 2014, a limited ...
Children See Children Do. This Video Will Change the Way You Parent [VIDEO]
This one minute film will open your eyes and will urge you to be a better parent. Created by NAPCAN, it shows how kids mimic common adult behavior. From smoking to yelling, to littering and violence and more. The ad is a great reminder of how we sh...
'Hot Facebook Mom' Still Thinks Moms Everywhere Are Just Making Excuses For Being Flabby
Not this again. Looks like Maria Kang a.k.a. "hot Facebook mom" is really keen on hanging on to her 15 minutes of fame. The blogger and founder of a fitness nonprofit first made headlines back in October 2013 after a photo of her surrounded by he...
Slow-Motion Popcorn Popping is Pretty [VIDEO]
In "Click To Enlarge: Popcorn," NPR explores the science of popcorn through slow-motion footage and electron microscope imagery. The video is part of a NPR feature of the science and history of popcorn. Watch with caution. The video makes you wan...
Camera Drone Creates Mesmerising Light Paintings inspired by "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Production studio Fiction wanted to recreate the illuminated UFOs from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, so they attached lights to a DJI Phantom drone and used it to create these eerie light paintings in the night sky. The photographs were record...
This Famous Image of Marie Curie isn't Actually Marie Curie
Everyone recognizes this picture. It is Marie Curie! The problem though, it's not her. Instead, it is a photo of Susan Marie Frontczak, snapped by Paul Schroder in 2001. Frontczak makes a living portraying the famous scientist on stage, and has done...
This 7 Year Old's Haunting Voice is Phenomenally Awesome [VIDEO]
Talent is apparent in just about any age these days. This seven-year-old girl showed on Norway's Got Talent this week and wowed the crowd with a whisky-soaked blues rendition of Billie Holiday's "Gloomy Sunday". Angelina Jordan Astar told a Norwe...
This Couple's Comic-Inspired Pre-Wedding Video Will Get Your Heart Beating Again
Fans of illustrator Gavin Aung Than will no doubt be familiar with his Zen Pencils comics, which are inspired by famous quotes. His most famous work was a panel titled 'To Love At All' which was inspired by a quote from talented author CS Lewis. ...
The Dark History Of Antibiotics Will Shock You
Here's why you should seriously think twice before loading up on antibiotics. While they can be lifesavers, but antibiotic misuse has also increased the number of drug-resistant germs. The latest antibiotics research shows that it can seriously mess...
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