
We’re not saying you should spend more time snacking while watching porn, but research has shown that viewing naked images can actually enhance the brain’s ability to process information. A study which was published in PLoS ONE found that study participants who viewed images of nude men and women were able to process the nude images faster than clothed pictures.

Of course, there’s a time and place to indulge in nudes, and the office simply isn’t one of them. In any case, here are some (slightly less thrilling) alternatives to help boost your brainpower at work:
Much On Protein-Packed Snacks
A study published in the November issue of Neuron found that protein can help stimulate brain cells to keep us feeling awake and alert. The researchers monitored the effect different nutrients had on orexin cells (which are brain cells that assist with regulating energy balance) and saw that the amino acids from the protein stimulated them more than any other nutrients. You can also mix carbs with protein to help regulate your body’s blood sugar for lasting energy.

Listen To Music
Research published in the Journal of Current Direction in Psychological Science showed that listening to the right music at the office can lead to enhanced cognitive performance, specifically your ability to stay alert and focused. For optimal productivity, aim for something simple in structure and repetitive in nature, such as classical or instrumental. With complex songs, your brain will try and break down beats and rhythms rather than fully focusing on the task at hand.

Peppermint Perks Up The Brain
Who knew something as simple as the smell of peppermint could have such major brain benefits? A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that the peppermint helped increase the subjects’ alertness and memory functioning. This has to do with how mint affects your nervous system. The scent travels along your olfactory nerve to the central nervous system, where it act as a stimulant to the brain.

Indulge In Your Favourite Brew
The reason why coffee is so awesome is that the caffeine helps trigger the release of dopamine, a chemical that stimulates the area in your brain responsible for alertness, problem solving, and pleasure in the brain. And according to Australian researchers, a cup of coffee can boost your cognitive functioning for up to 45 minutes.