
This just sucks. According to new research carried out by three separate universities found that despite all of society's protestations that fat people are just thin people with problems, it turns out that they don't really see fat people that way.

For the study, participants (young men and women) were asked to read short descriptions of women who had either: lost 70 pounds; stayed consistently fat; or stayed consistently slim. They were then asked to rate the women based on attractiveness and other factors. The study, which has published in the journal Obesity, revealed:
"Those who had been obese in the past were perceived as less attractive than those who had always been thin, despite having identical height and weight.

"The findings demonstrate that residual obesity stigma persists against individuals who have ever been obese, even when they have lost substantial amounts of weight."
It's hard to imagine that there are some people out there who just hate fat people so much that they can't stop hating, even when that fat person loses a ton of weight. And if this sounds like someone you know, just remind yourself that no matter how normal they look on the outside, jerks will always still be jerks.