Guess this means you can no longer blame headaches for not wanting to boink your bed buddy. According to a recent German study focusing on migraine and cluster headaches, having an orgasm might actually be able to help relieve the pain.


The study, which was comprised of 800 migraine patients and 200 cluster headache sufferers, found that one third of the study's participants had sex during a headache. From that group, 60 percent of the migraine sufferers reported less pain:
"Our data suggest...that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of headache in some migraine and a few cluster headache patients," wrote the authors of the study, published Feb. 19 in Cephalagia.

"Our results show that sexual activity during a migraine attack might relieve or even stop an attack in some cases, and that sexual activity in the presence of headache is not an unusual behavior," they added.
But the sex didn't alleviate pain for everyone, as one-third of the migraine sufferers and roughly half of the cluster headache havers who had sex reported that they felt worse after. The study also pointed out that male participants were more likely to use sex as a way to treat migraines on a regular basis.

And don't fret if you don't happen to have anyone to sleep with during one of those migraine spells. A researcher in the trial said that any endorphin-inducing sexual activity (masturbation included) could work as well provided that you can climax from it.

NY Daily News, image via nekpijn