Memes just got a lot more twisted. While the image macro meme Confession Bear is mostly used to bare one's soul concerning trivial matters, one Redditor has gained headlines after using the "advice animal" to confess a murder.


Some thought it was a disgusting joke, but other redittor users weren't taking any chances. According to Daily Dot, it wasn't long before someone supposedly forwarded all the information onto the FBI.

In a last-ditch effort to avoid possible incarceration, the original poster claimed it was just a "joke," then later added there was "some truth behind it," but refused to say "what was true and what wasn't." The person then deleted the account and returned to "the shadows of lurking."

This isn't the first time that Reddit has opened the floor to unconventional confessionals. Back in March, they opened a page for rapists to post their stories, which not surprisingly received a lot of flack. What do you think of this disturbing trend?