Have you ever showed your palm to a fortune teller only to be told that your life is cursed. Well, some modern day believers in Japan have decided to take matters into their own hands by using plastic surgery to alter palms.


Plastic surgeon Takaaki Matsuoka informs the Daily Beast that he's performed at least 20 of these palm-line altering surgeries at his Shonan Beauty Clinic since 2011, when a client walked into his office and asked him to change some of her palm lines.  While researching the procedure, he discovered medical journals stating that it was already being practiced in Korea.

Matsuoka uses an electrical scalpel to burn the lines into the skin to ensure a proper scaring remains, while the the wounds take about a month to heal. The entire procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes and costs around about ¥100,000 ($1,000). As for whether the procedure really does change fortunes, Matsuoka couldn't say for sure but he's definitely benefiting from it.