Beagle So Clever, It Implements a Strategy to Steal Chicken Nuggets From an Oven [VIDEO]
Beagles are really smart dogs. And Lucy is a particularly determined one. Here's a video of Lucy strategizing how to get onto the kitchen counter to get her paws on some yummy chicken nuggets baking away in the toaster oven.
After a couple of tries, she pushes a chair with her nose, jumps on it and on to the kitchen counter and opens the oven and tosses the contents to the floor where she feasts away!
Rodd Scheinerman, Lucy’s human, decided to find out how she was able to do this, so he set up a camera to record the whole thing.
A few weeks before she had retrieved a roast from the bigger oven. Every day she moves the chair over. Never saw how she did it. I figured she would try to get in the toaster oven. The toast oven shuts its self off its on a timer. So I set up the camera. Put the chicken nuggets in an left came back 40 minutes later to the pan on the floor.
Check out the video below: