More Women Plagued By 'Adult Acne'
If you're an adult woman who suffers from embarrassing teenager-style acne problem, don't fret. The condition known as 'adult acne' is becoming prevalent among post-teens. According to the NY Times, doctors aren't sure as to why more women are now suffering from adult acne.
As for treating blemishes on aging skin, it's pretty tricky. Topical applications don't work as well on women approaching middle age, because aging skin is more sensitive compared to supple teenage skin. And treating it internally with drugs like Accutane can often cause side-effects like severe dryness and even birth defects in the long run. Luckily, companies have started developing more products to cater towards this particular market. Those with severe cases can also resort to extreme measures like shots and laser treatments.
For those looking for a more holistic approach, changing your diet by cutting back on sugar and wheat can work. Harvard researchers have also found that drinking too much milk can also irritate skin and cause pimples. The best advice we can give is just to drink more water and cut back on eating all that processed crap.