Hugh Jackman stopped by The Matt Edmondson Show on BBC Radio 1 to sing a nerdier version of Les Miserables, replacing the characters in the song of Who Am I with his character Wolverine.

This is Wolverine: The Musical. Check it out below:
So you aren't a fashion designer, and you can't sew to save your life. But sometimes when you've reached the point of exasperation, you'll be surprised at how creativity can happen to the most un-crafty of people.
Kids auditioning for the Oscars? How adorable! The video comes courtesy of Andrew Nixon, who "tracked down" the leaked audition tapes.

Some of these kids did a great job in the audition for Jennifer Lawrence's role in American Hustle. There are other cute examples too of kids acting out scenes from other movies too, like Captain Phillips, The Wolf of Wall Street and more! Check it out after the jump:
Holy smokes. A great white shark jumping out of the water? This is JAWS extreme in real life! The Great White comes at the seal at such a high speed (up to 25mph) that it launches itself out of the ocean and into the air.
This young boy decided to practice his piano skills at Costco, all while his parents were shopping. And guess what? They were pretty damn impressive. Soon enough, this young man had a small crowd hovering over him,
Imagine flying in mid air when all of a sudden a bird comes crashing in your windshield. And then through it! This is what happened to pilot Robert Weber earlier this week.

The plane's front window was instantly blown out, and the bird hit Weber in the face. He was flying at a speed of 170mph at an altitude of 1,000 feet when the incident happened. Thankfully he was able to make a mayday call and eventually landed his plane safely.
It doesn't get anymore shallow than this. In this fun social experiment,  Yousef Erakat of Fouseytube chats up with a random girl in the park. Initially she treats him like a nobody, right until she finds out about his "celebrity connections." Watch:
In this 2014 Super Bowl commercial by Audi, a Doberman owner and a Chihuahua owner are presented an idea of an unusual compromise - a Doberhuahua!

The point of the ad, of course, is that Audi would never compromise with their cars. Watch it below:
Having a hard time understanding the nuances of the female mind? Trying to crack the code on what makes women tick? Then all you need is to peruse this very quick manual, which was written by 12-year-old boy. To put it simply:
Impeccable and incomparable might not be easy words for this 5-year-old to spell, but that's exactly how we would describe little Alonso Mateo.

From ascots and boutonnieres, to harem pants and Jeremy Scott Adidas, there are absolutely no limits to what kinds of outfits that this kid can pull off. Here's an official profile done by NY Mag:
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