You know that uncomfortable feeling you get after eating more than your fill at the buffet? There’s no denying that eating too much is making your waistline expand, but other studies have shown that how fast you eat may also play a role.


So what can you do to prevent yourself from stuffing your face with food? Below are a few pointers to keep in mind during the next time you dine:
Being stressed during mealtimes makes you eat quicker. One solution to help you relax more is to visualise a time when you felt particularly relaxed. Trick your mind into remembering the sounds, tastes, and feelings of being de-stressed before you dig in.

Savor those first three bites. Pay attention and analyze the texture and the taste of food. This helps to trick your mind into believing your stomach is fuller.

Try using smaller utensils like smaller spoons or chopsticks.
According to a University of Rhode Island at Kingston study, those who follow this strategy take in 70 less calories per meal.

Try placing your utensil in your non-dominant hand (if you are right-handed put it in your left, and vice versa). You will be more deliberate with each bite, making it easier to enjoy your food.

Sip water between bites. You will stay hydrated and you’ll feel fuller faster .

Chatting while at the dinner table will help lengthen the time between each bite.

Add a little more spice or hot sauce to wake up signal receptors in the brain to the fact that you are eating. It will also make you pay attention to flavor and drink more water.

Avoid soda and anything made with high-fructose corn syrup. Studies have found that the corn syrup blocks a key hormone that tells us when we are full.

Black tea can help you fuller faster and avoid hunger later on. A study in the Journal of American College of Nutrition found that black tea decreases blood sugar levels by 10 percent for 2 1/2 hours.