
We are one hungry species. We eat all the time. In fact, several times in a 16 hour period. The only time we don't is when we're sleeping for the remainder 8 hours of the day. According to Gary L Wenk, Ph.D, writing for Psychology Today, a study shows that sleep and health may improve if you limit your feeding hours.

Coming from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, it looks at cell metabolism in mice. Different groups of mice were given various times in which they were allowed to eat. Restricting their eating period of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM had the greatest impact.
Mice that had time-restricted access to a high fat diet were significantly healthier than the mice given all-day access to the same diet. They lost body fat, had normal glucose tolerance, reduced serum cholesterol, increased bile acid production, improved motor function and normal sleep cycles. Most surprising, the daily caloric intake of all groups did not differ, regardless of their diet or feeding schedule.
Could this apply to humans as well? The common knowledge though, is that one should never eat late. Either way, no harm giving it a try! [Psychology Today]