
It all began back in June of 2011, when a Cincinnati woman was granted a temporary order of protection against her husband, who was found guilty of domestic abuse. Five months after, the husband posted this nasty, passive aggressive Facebook post about his estranged wife. The rant went as follows:
if you are an evil, vindictive woman who wants to ruin your husband's life and take your son's father away from him completely — all you need to do is say that you're scared of your husband or domestic partner and they'll take him away!
It was later revealed that not only was this jerk convicted of beating his wife, his wife wasn't even keeping her husband from his son at all; in fact, the husband declined to exercise his parental rights and only tried to see his child once between June and November.

And now, a judge has ruled that such a malicious post had violated the terms of the restraining order and that legally, the man must apologize. Via Facebook post. If not, then he would be violation of the order and will have to serve 60 days in jail and pay a fine. The judge also added that he must leave his page up for at least 30 days after the apology was posted and allow one of his wife's friends to monitor the page.

Well, an apology is still and apology right? Even if it is as casual as posting a message on someone's Facebook wall.