Sad news for Google+. Its hardly the social network destination of choice, since according to data from comScore, reported by the Wall Street Journal, visitors to the site using computers spent an average of three minutes a month on Google+ compared to six to seven hours on Facebook each month over between September and January.
I'm not sure if this is either funny or embarrassing or just plain rude. Nick Bergus posted about a notorious 55 gallon of lube awhile back, and he later saw a Facebook ad of his face with the lube. This happened:
If you are between the ages of 18 to 34, and spend most of your waking life being connected to the internet, that makes you part of “Generation C.”

A new group coined by the likes of Nielsen and NM Incite’s U.S. Digital Consumer Report, the C which stands for “connected” is a group defined by their digital connectivity says. People in this group consume media, socialize and share experiences through devices more than other age groups, and make up for at least 23% of the US population:
It all began back in June of 2011, when a Cincinnati woman was granted a temporary order of protection against her husband, who was found guilty of domestic abuse. Five months after, the husband posted this nasty, passive aggressive Facebook post about his estranged wife. The rant went as follows:
Doctors are getting all social media savvy too nowadays. And they've made medical and social media history by live tweeting an open heart surgery for the first time.

Doctors at Houston’s Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital have made medical and social media history by live-tweeting an open-heart surgery for the first time.
British student Glenn Mangham was sentenced to eight months in jail for hacking deep into Facebook's servers. No details were taken but Facebook alerted authorities after it discovered the breast last May. The FBI follwoed the digital thread to a UK address and believed that Mangham had gained access to the servers after hacking into a Facebook employee's account.
Germany is taking police lineups online. The Hanover Police asked people to identify photofits of crime suspects on its Facebook page.

The police department has nabbed eight criminals since March 2011 and it started to crowdsource suspects' photos via Facebook for its pilot manhunt called “Fahndung via Facebook.”.
Germany is taking police lineups online. The Hanover Police asked people to identify photofits of crime suspects on its Facebook page.

The police department has nabbed eight criminals since March 2011 and it started to crowdsource suspects' photos via Facebook for its pilot manhunt called “Fahndung via Facebook.”.
This year could very well be the year of social media exhaustion. But that doesn't mean sharing on social networks is on a decline. This new study, analyzes sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and makes a few predictions about its future.
Tons of Twitter users tweeted during the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Just how much? Over 10,000 tweets every second in the moments after Adele won Record of the Year.

According to Twitter via a blog post on Wednesday, 10,901 tweets were sent every second after she got her sixth Grammy award of the night.
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